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Student Life

Community Service

Community Service at SJR

Our students are dedicated to doing their best to improve themselves, their School and their communities. Throughout the school year, students embrace the idea of community, a key attribute of our 'Portrait of an SJR Learner'. From acts of kindness in Junior School to philanthropy in Middle School and leading through community service in Senior School, SJR students take the time to help others and better themselves.
St. John’s-Ravenscourt School was founded in 1820 principally to serve the children of the Selkirk settlers. By 1834 there were forty students, evenly split between boys and girls. SJR has inevitably grown and changed over the years since, though its success throughout has been unimpeachable. Today the programs are as strong as our reputation. A strong academic program is paired with an equally strong attention to the values of stewardship, ethical leadership, and excellence in all areas of academic, social and athletic life.