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Senior School

About Senior School

Senior School students find themselves engaged in a challenging and diverse program aimed at developing their communication skills, immersing them in a wealth of co-curricular, community service and leadership activities.

Our students are equipped with the skills needed for the rigors of their chosen program of studies - 100% of SJR graduates are placed in top post-secondary schools around the world and 98% are accepted at their first choice university and program.

Academics & Advanced Placement

Our students take courses ranging from English Language Arts, Debating and Public Speaking, Modern Languages, and Computer Science to Social Studies, Science, Robotics and Psychology, all designed to challenge and engage their minds. Students who excel at Math may be admitted to an advanced stream, which in Grade 12 allows them to enrol in two University of Manitoba 3 credit-hour courses.

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  • Advanced Placement

    The Advanced Placement (AP) program allows students to pursue university level studies while still at SJR. Students may be able to receive credit, advanced placement, or both from those universities that participate in the Advanced Placement program.
  • Why take AP courses?

    University admissions personnel view AP experience and successful performance in a university level AP course as an indicator of future success at the university level. Students who take AP courses learn a subject in depth, develop analytical reasoning skills, and form disciplined study habits that contribute to continued success at the university level. They may also improve their chances of being accepted by the university of their choice.

    AP courses open up a range of opportunities, including the eligibility for students to earn AP Scholar Awards. They may also be exempted from introductory courses at universities, giving them more time to broaden their university experience. Students who earn satisfactory grades on enough AP exams may be granted a full year’s credit by their university.


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  • Photo of Alena Oosthuizen

    Alena Oosthuizen 

    Principal of Senior School

List of 4 items.

  • Co-Curriculars

    Senior School students are actively encouraged to pursue their academic, artistic, athletic, cultural, social, philanthropic and other interests beyond the classroom with clubs and activities. Highlights include the annual Rock Show, Fashion Show, Coffee House Musical Evenings, Robotics, Mathematics Competitions, Yearbook and Creative Writing opportunities.
  • Athletics

    We believe in the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle. With athletic options ranging from hockey, soccer and volleyball to ultimate, rugby and cross-country, there is a wealth of possibilities for our budding athletes to choose from.
  • Public Speaking and Debating

    Our Public Speaking program is considered to be the best in the World – 15 of the past 30 World Public Speaking Champions were SJR students!
  • Volunteering and Philanthropy

    Senior School students dedicate countless hours to making a difference in the local community and further afield. They volunteer their time mentoring students from local schools, running an event called Kendra's Walk in support of CancerCare Manitoba, participating in the Terry Fox Run each year, and much, much more!
St. John’s-Ravenscourt School was founded in 1820 principally to serve the children of the Selkirk settlers. By 1834 there were forty students, evenly split between boys and girls. SJR has inevitably grown and changed over the years since, though its success throughout has been unimpeachable. Today the programs are as strong as our reputation. A strong academic program is paired with an equally strong attention to the values of stewardship, ethical leadership, and excellence in all areas of academic, social and athletic life.