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Academic Overview

Academic Program

The curricular program at St. John’s-Ravenscourt School is academic and university preparatory. It is designed to ensure that each student establishes a foundation of knowledge from which, and about which, they may think critically and inquire. Teaching and learning practices are evidence-based and support these program aims. Starting in the early years, students are encouraged to be curious and question, engaging in a program of play-based learning and culminating with advanced research, debate, design and laboratory work in senior subject-oriented classes. 
The co-curricular program furthers the development of mind and body, and fosters the holistic growth of each student. There are many opportunities for leadership, service, athletic and arts-based achievement available to each student. Students are expected to earn their personal best results and are supported by faculty and staff to do so.

Portrait of an SJR Learner

    • Portrait of an SJR Learner


List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Jenny Wright

    Jenny Wright 

    Deputy Head, Academics
St. John’s-Ravenscourt School was founded in 1820 principally to serve the children of the Selkirk settlers. By 1834 there were forty students, evenly split between boys and girls. SJR has inevitably grown and changed over the years since, though its success throughout has been unimpeachable. Today the programs are as strong as our reputation. A strong academic program is paired with an equally strong attention to the values of stewardship, ethical leadership, and excellence in all areas of academic, social and athletic life.