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Donate Now

I am proud to support SJR with the following gift:

Head's Appeal + Eagles' Circle Giving

List of 6 items.

  • Supporting Current Needs - Campus Renewal

    Investing in our cherished facilities
    Each year, the School invests significant dollars in the improvement, maintenance and upkeep of our facilities. Your support will help the School ensure our facilities are the best and provide exceptional experiences for all students.
    Over the last several years, SJR has performed significant structural work and maintenance in our main athletic facility, Tom Bredin Athletic Centre, as follows:
    Dutton Memorial Arena: A new ice plant was installed; the rink was transformed into an NHL-sized rink and a brand-new entrance on the river side with elevator access to all floors was built. These renovations enabled us to further enhance our athletic offering. After hockey season, the rink is converted to a field house, making these facilities inclusive and available to all.
    Reimer Gymnasium: New changerooms were added, a brand-new floor was installed, and modern seating replaced the 35-year-old bleachers.
    Become an Eagles' Circle Champion
    A minimum $25,000 gift to the Campus Renewal Fund is an investment in our facilities.  A named endowed fund for $25,000 can also be created to support campus renewal. 
  • Supporting Current Needs - Innovation

    Innovation Fund
    The Innovation Fund supports academic programs today with funding for training and classroom enrichment so that we may continue to challenge and inspire our students in ways that will innovate and transform the SJR experience. 

    Become an Eagles' Circle Champion
    A minimum $25,000 gift to the Innovation Fund is an investment in our students and our academic programs.

    A named endowed fund for $25,000 can also be created to support innovation.
  • Supporting Endowment

    Providing an Enduring Legacy
    Innovation, Scholarships, Financial Aid, Campus Sustainability

    Gifts made to the endowment are held by the SJR Foundation and remain at SJR in perpetuity. The SJR Foundation was created in 1962 to manage funds endowed to the School for the provision of scholarships and financial aid, maintaining our beautiful campus and supporting ongoing education and classroom enrichment throughout the School. The Foundation ensures the Capital is preserved and earns investment invoice to provide a reliable and sustainable annual allocation to the School.

    On average, the Foundation supports 88 academic scholarships and provides life-changing financial aid bursaries to 45 deserving students annually. The School community benefits from the inclusion of a wide diversity of students which financial assistance can help make possible. 

    The Campus Renewal endowment supports the ongoing needs of our beautiful campus and preserves buildings and trees for generations to follow.

    In addition to funding current needs, support for the Innovation Endowment Fund to enhance our academic programs can also be directed to the SJR Foundation.

    Become an Eagles' Circle Champion 
    A minimum contribution of $25,000 to the SJR Foundation is required to create a non-scholarship named fund to support financial aid, the Campus Renewal Endowment or the Innovation Endowment Fund (academic programs). 100% of the annual allocation from your fund will be used to support the specified area.

    $100,000 is required to create a named scholarship. 
  • Unrestricted/Other

    By selecting "other" you can designate your gift to an area not listed. "Unrestricted" allows the School to use your gift in the area of greatest need.
  • Become an Eagles' Circle Champion

    The Eagles’ Circle celebrates donors who have contributed a minimum of $25,000 in cumulative lifetime giving. Donors are permanently recognized in publications, on the Eagles' Circle donor wall in John Schaffter Hall and Dutton Memorial Arena and acknowledged at an annual reception.

    Your commitment to becoming an Eagles' Circle Champion can be fulfilled over multiple years. Donations made to date in support of current and enduring needs will apply towards this initiative.
  • Establish a Planned Gift

    Planned giving allows you and your family to provide a lasting commitment to future students and families by making a bequest for SJR in your estate plans. Final gifts can be in the form of life insurance policies or a provision in a will. Over $1.1 million in planned gifts have been realized from alumni, families and individuals with a strong connection to the School. 

    SJR Legacy Circle

    Friends who have informed the School they have made provisions for SJR in their estate plans will be listed as a member of the SJR Legacy Circle. 

    We have created a form to assist in fulfilling your wishes and recognizing your commitment to SJR.  

    SJR Legacy Circle Membership Form 

    This document provides types of bequests and sample will clauses to assist you and your legal counsel with ensuring your gift supports an area of the School that is meaningful to you.  

    Types of Bequests and Sample Will Clauses  

Endowed Funds Named in Honour of Faculty

List of 16 items.

  • John Robinson Endowment Fund (matching)

    The John Robinson Endowment Fund will support SJR’s public speaking and debating program. 

    All gifts will be matched up to $25,000 by alumnus Larry Kim '95 to help create the John Robinson Scholarship. $100,000 is required to establish a scholarship. 
  • Rod Lindquist Endowment Fund (in progress)

    On November 27, 2022, we lost a revered teacher and coach, Rod Lindquist. In memoriam donations were received to help establish an endowed fund that will support students receiving financial aid to supplement their participation in cocurricular activities.

    Once donations reach $25,000, the endowment will be established. 
  • Colin B. Kiddell Scholarship Fund

    The Colin B. Kiddell Scholarship is awarded to a Junior School student in honour of former Junior School Principal, Colin B. Kiddell. The recipient is a Grade 5 student who has demonstrated service in the community or school and has worked unselfishly, serving others with humility.
  • John Barsby Endowment Fund

    Supports the SJR financial aid program. 
  • Nancy Gillies '76 and Bruce Neal Innovation Fund

    Supports innovation and professional development of SJR faculty and staff.
  • John A. Messenger Scholarship Fund

    The John A. Messenger Scholarship is awarded in honour of John A. Messenger, former Headmaster, to a Grade 11 student entering Grade 12 with a high level of excellence in  the Humanities.
  • Hugh T. McCracken Scholarship Fund

    The Hugh T. McCracken Scholarship is awarded to a Grade 11 student entering Grade 12 in honour of Hugh T. McCracken, former science teacher and headmaster. The student can hold no other academic scholarships and must be active in school activities. The student must submit a piece of creative writing.
  • John F. Waudby Memorial Scholarship Fund

    The John F. Waudby Memorial Scholarship is an entrance scholarship awarded to one student new to SJR entering Senior School.
  • Martin H. Ainley Alumni Boarding Scholarship Fund

    The Martin H. Ainley Alumni Boarding Scholarship is awarded in honour of Martin H. Ainley, former teacher, to a Senior School student who demonstrates academic/athletic skills and a commitment to community and congeniality.
  • Tom Bredin Memorial Scholarship Fund

    The Tom Bredin Memorial Scholarship is awarded in honour of Thomas F. Bredin '39, Vice-Principal until 1979 and a former Head of the History Department, teacher, coach and administrator. It is awarded to a student who demonstrates courage and tenacity in athletics and service to the School.
  • Norman & Grace Young Alumni Boarding Scholarship Fund

    Norman & Grace Young Alumni Boarding Scholarship was created by the SJR Alumni Association in honour of Norman and Grace Young, the founder or Ravenscourt School and his wife.  It is awarded to an all-round student with a solid academic standing who contributes to boarding life.
  • Richard L. Gordon Memorial Scholarship Fund

    The Richard L. Gordon Memorial Scholarship is awarded in honour of Richard L. Gordon '37, Headmaster from 1952 to 1969.  It is awarded to a student of outstanding academic promise entering Senior School.
  • Dick Gordon Alumni Memorial Boarding Scholarship Fund

    The Dick Gordon Alumni Memorial Boarding Scholarship is awarded to an all-round Senior School student, new to boarding and to SJR, with a solid academic standing who may contribute to boarding life.
  • Walter Burman Alumni Memorial Boarding Scholarship Fund

    The Walter Burman Alumni Memorial Boarding Scholarship is awarded in honour of Walter Burman 1898, Headmaster of St. John's College School from 1929-1946.
  • Térèsa Lee Music Scholarship Fund

    The Térèsa Lee Music Scholarship is awarded to recognize Térèsa's leadership, passion and vision for SJR's Music Program. It is awarded to a graduating student who best personifies her dedication, spirit and love of music.
  • Michael Proudfoot Memorial Scholarship Fund

    The Michael Proudfoot Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a current student in Grade 5 who demonstrates a high skill level in choral and instrumental music, is an active participant in musical actively in the school, exhibits first-class effort in all musical undertakings, demonstrates a consistently positive attitude toward schoolwork, and models respectful behaviour toward staff and fellow students.

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Christina Barwinsky

    Christina Barwinsky 86

    Director of Advancement